Straight Talk: No Sugar Added with Neena Perez

Straight Talk: No Sugar Added with Neena Perez

We're asking the experts. We're all on a mission to rise in

the rankings and outshine the competition.

Welcome to Rise and Outshine.

We are live. Hey, everybody. Welcome to Rise and Outshine.

We've got another great episode coming your way

tonight. I'm joined with my co host, Wise. Wise, welcome

to the show. Hello, everyone. How's everybody doing

today? Doing well, doing well. As you know, Wise

and Maria been rotating in and out as co host over these couple

weeks. As we gear up towards our big finale in

September, we're going to be doing a live event on this stage.

Podcasters all over the country are already planning to come here and

it's outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at a place called the Paduti Live

Podcast Theater in downtown to rent them. We're on Corbett

street and we'll be hosting probably 12

hours again like we did this year. 12 hours of live

podcast. Every half an hour we're going to turn over the stage.

Some performances will be live on this stage, some will be

virtual. Like we're going to see tonight with Nina of Straight Talk, no

Sugar added. We're going to have a variety of different

shows. We'll have a VIP night with all access. We have a bar

and a restaurant next door. We're hoping to rent that out and have a

private party. So, you know, keep us in mind. Rise and Outshine

and the Patootie Podcast Theater in Toronto and

end of September 2025. Which means.

And Wise won't let you say no. So if you talk to Wise about this

event. Well, yes, we would prefer more

live shows this year, but if you can and you, and you can just do

it virtual, that's fine. That's awesome as well. But we want

people to come to the theater and experience the theater. I had a great time

when I went to go visit with the wife. It was a wonderful experience. I

got to hang out with Jeff, Maria Daniels and we had an

amazing time. It was awesome. But we truly do want

live acts. I've been pressuring our friends to come in

and check out the stage and come do it live from the theater

and hopefully some people will step up and make the trip.

We give, we give them way in advance. We're giving them months and

months in advance. So, yeah, you were on

stage at the last event, so they had 365

days to get this booked on their calendar. Yes.

So part of the show, Rise Now Giants, a live podcast where

podcasts come on, they do a 10 minute segment of their show and if we

can pull up the screen share. Those of you watching at home,

Wise and myself, we're gonna act as judges tonight and what our

goal is with love and positivity, to give Nina this

great set of feedback at the end of the show. So for those of you,

you can scan the QR code or go to and type in

that code and you'll see it'll pull up a little scorecard. We're looking

for things like audio quality, does the content match

the description, the engaging

hosts, production quality. We're going to just look at these things, and

it's going to plot out a little graph of where you're strongest and

maybe some areas where Nina might need some work. We don't know, but we're going

to find out at the end of the show. And after that, there's a word

cloud. It's just a stream of conscious thought, Whatever

you're thinking of, if it's you're inspired or laughter or

maybe there was a joke or a quote, put that in here, and we'll

build this word cloud over the course of the 10 minutes and give that to

Neil. This is what people were actually thinking and feeling when they were listening to

your show. And we'll go back to the first slide so people can dial

in. Oh, other, other direction. There we go.

Go to again and type that code. It's only valid while we're live

tonight. 1346. 187. And

with great pleasure, Wise and I get to finally

introduce Nina to the main stage. Nina, thank you

for joining us tonight. I'm excited to be here. Thank you guys for

having me. I like your energy. You guys are funny.

Oh, we're just getting warmed up. More Jeff than me. I'm

not Jennifer. Jeff is the. Jeff is amazing. He's

funny as heck. We had a great time. Like, we've been

friends, what, now? Almost four years. Three. Four years. We're

covert friends. That's a

friendship for life right there. Yeah. And.

And this past September, we got to hang out for the first time in

person. It was a great experience. We had a great time. And,

yeah, Jeff got to meet my wife, I got to meet his wife and his

two beautiful daughters, and it was just awesome. Oh, yeah, we

had a blast just hanging out. And after, like, you. You've known somebody for

three years. I was teaching a podcast in class, and Wise

turned the corner. I, like, lit up. Like, I was, like,

had in, like, four or five years, just finally seeing Wise in

person. Turn that corner. That's so cool. Around. Ironically, we were

talking before around two sets of pipe and drape, because this

whole thing was built on pipe and drape. It

was so great to be wise. And now it's so great to meet you, Nina.

Nina, where are you calling in from? I'm in Austin,

Texas. Austin, Texas. And this is the Straight Talk no

Sugar Added podcast. Tell us a little about it. How did you

get started and. And what are we going to see over these next 10

minutes? Well, the podcast is really. It started

as a monologue, but then I got sick of hearing my own voice, so I

made it a dialogue. And now I just interview a

lot of entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, thought leaders, things like that that come on here

to share their story. So they share their story from, you know, what

they've been through, how they overcome it, and what they do today to impact the

world. And that's what it's about. I might.

I might have to have Nina on my show. All right,

let's do it. We can make that

happen. Yeah, let's. So,

the Straight Talk no Sugar podcast. Let's make sure we get your links out right

now if people want to connect with you or listen to the show. Do you

have a dedicated website or do you just recommend going to your favorite

podcast app? Yeah, I, I mean, you can just find

me on YouTube or, you know, really anywhere that podcasts are

played. So I think, you know, either

Apple podcasts or. Or YouTube would be

fine. Very nice. So let's get into it. Nina, what

is the show about? You said it's a dialogue. And

how many episodes have you done so far? I think I am

at 5. Almost near 500 recorded.

Wow. But 4:43,

I think, posted as at the moment, so I have a lot of them in

the queue. Ready to, ready to go. You're. You're good for the next year

if you do one a week there? Yeah, I do two a week. Okay. I

do two a week and then I try to do a live in between. So

I try to do three a week. It may, it may have to increase

because a lot of people want to be on the show now. It's. It's picked

up some momentum and so it's. I'm


I know how it goes, especially when with

guest. Why? As far as guest wise, I do three live

shows Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and then

I'm. Right now I'm booked into April.

Wow, that's awesome. Yeah, I haven't, I haven't really set them up as live

shows. I pre record them all, but I don't edit. I try

to do the whole thing in one swoop if I can.

If I can't, then I'll edit it myself. But I have a, you know, a

team that, you know, does the SEO on it, make sure everything's going well on

that end. But I truly enjoy podcasting. It's probably one of

my best passions. I love it so much. Yeah.

Well, we're going to give you the main stage coming up. And over the next

10 minutes, what do you have planned for us? What can we expect over

the next 10 minutes? I have no idea. Can I interview one of you

guys or something? If you'd like

to. Wise, you

want to get interviewed? Of course. There we go. Okay, so.

But a special guest host tonight being also

the guest interview tonight, Wise is going to be the guest on Nina

Perez's Straight Talk, no sugar added. I'm going to get off

the stage because I'm getting a low battery light. So that was perfectly

played interviewing Wise or I would have been in trouble. Over the next 10 minutes,

we're going to start the clock. Well, everybody at home. We'll put the ticker back

up so people can dial in and vote. And this is Straight Talk,

no Sugar added, with Nina Perez.

Hey, guys, what's up? This is Nina Perez and this is Straight Talk, no

sugar added. I want to thank you guys so much for being here. You guys

know we go around this amazing planet finding the best humans

we can find to come on here to grow, challenge and transform

your thinking. Now, today we have an amazing guest here, and since I

don't really know him, we're going to get to know him together.

Okay, this is Wise. This is Wise Otero. And he is

here with me on a rise and outshine. And I

am so happy to have you here. So, Wise, I start my show

off the same way and I want to know who you are. So

tell me, who are you? Who are you? Oh,

man, me? I'm. I'm just

a regular dude, man who just loves the podcast.

I'm a pit boss in the casino by night and a

podcaster during the day and. And I just

have a great time doing what I do. I'm enjoying life. I've

found my kind of, my purpose when I discovered podcasting for

myself. Like, I've always listened to podcasts and stuff, but when

I finally got involved, it was like being able

to impact people's lives with

my podcast has really shown. Like, it's like

I was like 40 something years old, didn't have a purpose in life. I

started doing my podcast and I found I discovered my voice

and I love what I do. And I've made some amazing

friends, lifelong friendships through podcasting,

and I'm just excited to be a guest.

Well, thank you for sharing that with me too, because I think it

says a lot right when we can really look at podcasting as a way to

reach others. And that's a really important piece, I think,

for all of us who are out here doing this game of podcasting, because it

takes work. And so why did you feel like you had to have

a voice? Was there a moment in time or a place in life where you

felt like you didn't have a voice or that you had a challenge expressing

yourself? Okay, so

it goes back to.

When. I was 21, I met my first wife. 20,

21. I met my first wife, fell in love

and got married when I was like 23

at 30. And she's the one who introduced me to the world of self development

and wanting to improve myself. Because I.

I'm from East New York, Brooklyn, like one of the worst parts in

Brooklyn. And I was raised in the 80s and

90s. I was at the height of the crack epidemic.

I don't come from a real good neighborhood. I came from somewhere where

you're not expected to make it out of. Right. So

being able to graduate from high school, go get some college

experience, I've. I've been able to

escape the hood and, and have.

And have life experiences. But when I met my wife,

I moved to Florida with her. And she, like I said, she

introduced me to the world of self development and everything

else, only to lose her when I was 31 in

a car accident. And so many years I

was kind of. It was lost, self

destructive, didn't care about life. And it was just. And it

was crazy because I just got getting hit. One tragedy after another after another.

It was like, I'm angry at God because I want to know, what

am I? Why am I being punished? Why is why,

like, right? A year after losing my wife, I reconnect with

my dad that I hadn't seen for 25 years, only to

have lose him. Father's Day weekend

of that year, buried two brothers,

aunt and uncle. That really impact. So I was angry.

My thing was like, am I such a horrible person? Am I such a bad

person that I'm being punished? And I was lost.

I was sleeping from people's couches, from couch to couch,

to not really knowing where my

place was. And one day, man,

Just something hit me.

It was like, this isn't your path. This isn't what you're supposed to be

doing. And I kind of. I started

turning my life around, started going to the gym, got my license to

be, do security in the city and all

these other things. And I started turning my life around, sought

therapy for everything that I was going through.

And then I met my wife that I'm with today.

And it. She got me back into

self development, reading more books and

just changing my

mindset, getting back on the path that I was supposed to be on

originally. And so now here I am

podcasting, since I'm a pandemic podcaster.

So in 2020, I was furloughed from work,

had been wanting to start a podcast for over a year, but was stuck in

my mind making up excuses. Oh, who's gonna want to listen to me?

I don't have nothing to talk about. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not a

celebrity. I'm not. I'm not anyone. And so

finally, when I got the courage

and the balls to just, you know what?

Here. Recorded like 5 minutes, 7 minutes, and just released

it. Yeah. Once I did that, it was like, okay, I could do

this. Right? You realize that it wasn't hurting you, right?

Like, no monsters came out of the closet, right?

It was, it was like, oh man, I've been afraid for nothing. Right?

Right. Especially when you realize all you've

been through. Right. Like, you've been through so much that. Why would

that stop you when you've been through so much pain already? And I'm sorry for

all the pain and loss. And I'm also grateful to God for all the pain

and loss because it's, it's all of those journeys and the beauty of it

all that helps you to have the voice you have today. Oh,

no, it's. Someone asked me

one day, do you regret your life? And I was

like, no, I wouldn't wish it upon anyone.

Right. But I don't regret what's happened in my life

or what I've experienced because it's made me who I

am today. Right. It's helped mold me into the person today.

And I'm in the spot I'm in

now in life. It's. I'm blessed. I'm blessed. I

have some amazing friends that are. That are

helping me become a better man every day.

I'm blessed with a wife who's supportive and that's

awesome. Easily been. Dude, you're 40

something years old. What do you mean? You're starting a podcast? Yeah, no,

she seen, she seen I was passionate about it. She seen that I was dedicated

and really doing what I investing into it. And she was

like, okay, what can we do to make this

profitable? What can we do to make this worth.

Worth what you're investing into it? So she started

llc. It was all these different things,

and connecting with people like Jeff and

building relationships with people like Jeff and seeing his

vision and being a part of what he's creating and him talking about, yo, this

is what I want to do, and him wanting to uplift people as

well. So you meet people, when you connect with people, and

you start building these great

foundations and these opportunities start coming

out of everywhere, you start talking and connecting with the right people.

Yeah, and it's amazing because, yeah, like,

what the hell's going on? You know, wise, I, I, I,

I can agree with all of that more. You know, I grew up also, I

grew up in the projects. I grew up in Connecticut, actually. So right around your

neck of the woods, not too far from you. I've lived there all my life,

you know, Also grew up in the crack, you know, epidemic and the AIDS

epidemic, actually. In fact, one of my father passed away from aids, actually,

so that all hit me. And you, you, you start to

realize the difference in mindset from a poverty

hustle mentality to an actual abundant mentality.

And so what you said just now makes so much sense, right, with you collaborating

with Jeff and all that. Because I realized that the more that

I elevated in my life, financially,

mentally, personal development, the whole thing, the more I realized that there is no

competition. The only competition is me. Right? I'm competing with

me. And I realized that when you're in poverty mindset,

you're always trying to look and compete, or you're, you're trying to keep secrets

or you don't want to share. And that's a very different mentality.

Right. I'm sure you've noticed that. Oh, it's,

it's, it's just the fact that we do this show the

condition. We're here to promote other podcasters. We're here to

show. And, and when we, we, when we

critique shows, we don't blast them. We tell them the honest thing. We don't, we

don't try to make them. We're not here for click. We honestly want to

help other podcasters. We want to tell you, hey, maybe if you do this,

get this camera or do this, or we truly do care about

what people are putting out there, right? Because we invested

ourselves. We've, like you mentioned earlier, my mic and

I made sure I've learned about my equipment. Right. And I'm not

someone who comes from all this technical stuff. A lot of this stuff

is self taught is me wanting to learn

my craft. Right. Because you have a passion. You have a

passion for it. Right. And it shows. Right? It shows because the quality

is, the quality is there. And you were able to hop on an interview with

me like within seconds without even, you know what I'm saying? Without hesitation, you know.

Exactly. Because you're already there. So that I wanted to ask you a personal question

if you want me going back a little bit. I wanted to know how your

journey is now with your faith because you said you were so angry with God

and that, that triggered to me that you had some sort of faith level or

at least you believe there's a God. Are you still there? Are you back there

or not there? How do you feel about that? Well, I'm, I'm, I'm back into,

into believing and, and not. I'm not angry. I

realize what happened happened has this purpose.

So I'm, I'm, I'm not, I'm, I don't. Do I go to

church every Sunday? No. But I am a spiritual person. I do believe

there's a higher being. I do believe there's a God. And, and

so for me, it's, it's, it's been, I've

been blessed. When, when I started, when I got out

of that anger, when I stopped being angry, when I got out of that anger

mode, things started to change. Yeah. Yeah. The

people that's supposed to come to your life now start coming

and the people

that are supposed to be in your life and

it's just the way things work out. It's so true.

When you're angry, you're gonna attract the wrong type of people.

Yeah. You're gonna attract people that are similar to

you in vibration. So for me, once I stopped

being angry and started opening up, things started

changing. It's beautiful. I found, I found, I found love

again. I started building

relationships with like there

were some bad things about the pandemic and there were some amazing things about

the pandemic that I agree changed my,

changed my life for the best in certain

parts. So

have had. I've still been in that negative mode and that

angry mode. I wouldn't have been building. I wouldn't have had

this relationship that I have with Jeff because Jeff is not that kind of person.

Right. Right. He's not an angry person. He's not. So

you. When you start changing your attitude

and start changing your moods and. And get out of

that, oh, woes is me or why me

or why me? Why me? Right. It

really shifts. It really shifts when you get out of it really. Does

things really start to open up? It's such a beautiful thing because

you can stay in anger. You can stay victim all you like. Right. People you

don't. You can do. And. And you'll find friends that'll stay there with you. Yeah,

right. Let's just. Let's just keep it real. You will find your

friends that'll keep you victim as long as you want to stay a victim. Right.

And so I love that. I love your transition. I love your vulnerability. I love

the fact that you were able to talk about that and just be real about

it. You know, that's something that I really love and admire

from humans. And that's why in the podcast, I always talk about finding the best

humans on the planet to come to grow, challenge and transform your

thinking. Right. Because it pushes you. Yeah, it pushes

you. So I don't know how long. I don't know how long we have, but

I. Wait, wait. Before we go, I do want to ask Wise,

for your information, if you don't mind giving us, like, where we could find you

and also where this podcast is, because I got to listen to it.

It's called Second of a Mine Podcast. I'm on all major

platforms. You can go to YouTube, catch the stock my

mind podcast, YouTube channel. Yeah, I'm on. Like I said, I'm

on all major platforms. I'm on Spotify, I'm on

Apple. It's been, it's been a great

journey being able to do my podcast. And

like I said, I'm blessed to be able to do this, honestly.

Well, I'm blessed to have this conversation. So thank you for being here. Oh, this

is. We'll have plenty more. We definitely have plenty more. I enjoy,

I enjoy these few minutes. These are one of those ones that's going to be.

There's going to be a part two and three, and I can tell you two

are going to get together after this.

Absolutely. It was a great connection. I was in the whole

time and I. I do know Wise over the last years. I know parts of

his story in and out and every. I'm. I was still

drawn in the entire time. I'm still. And that's a part

of a good host. Nina gave Wise the space.

Right. Shine. You encouraged him and let him tell his story, that was something I

took away right away. That's something that podcast hosts

really struggle with, is, you know, you brought a guest onto your show for a

reason, right? You want to let them shine to your audience. And that was a

big part of this and that. And you're going to see. I think that's going

to score really well as we have scores coming in. If we could pop up

the link one more time, we'll give a few more minutes to come in. I

saw Sarah was in the comments. Our friend Sarah Bradford

out in Utah. Utah, doing the autism

summit, the 1 in 36 mix. Good to see her there.

And so wise, normally wise. And I would discuss a

little bit about what we saw, but wise, actually, the guest.

How was your 10 minutes there? Oh, no, she. She's a

phenomenal host, man. And just. Just on the

fly, right? She did it on the fly. She didn't really know

anything about me, but she got me to open up and do the show

and listen. I could. I can't wait to really sit down and

really have a discussion and we can

definitely do a swap of

episodes and I would love that and just collaborate because, you know

how we do it. We always. We're always open to collaborations. This is

some. We've. We've built some amazing friendships.

Sarah, who's always supports us, both. We

support Sarah. She just relaunched her brand and everything,

so it's amazing. We haven't connected

before, but now we have, so. And now we have. That's right. Yeah. And

then after doing this 10 minutes, because you sometimes you have

no idea, like, you know what's going to happen over the 10 minutes, and

it's a different experience for a podcast. It's almost like being a

podcaster on a game show, right? Yeah, kind

of. How did you feel these 10 minutes went for you?

You know what? I think you guys are really authentic, and I think that's what

makes it easy. Right. So to me, it was fun.

It was really fun to get to know Wise at a. At a.

A deeper level and also to realize that we have a lot in common. Right.

Because that's why I let them speak, because it's important to give people

space. They have to be able to get through their thought process. Especially when I

ask them such a deep question, like, who are you? Right. And

then I like to touch on things like, why do you still have faith?

You know what I'm saying? Like, why do you. Why do you feel that way?

Or did something happen to bring you to this point? I Think that's

important for a host to just really be involved and

listen to what they're saying. And I think, you know,

he gave me space to do that, to listen to him, and he was also

really willing to express that and give me something. Right.

Because sometimes some interviews can be like pulling teeth.

Right. But this was really much like, okay, great. He's giving

me material here and life experiences that I can now draw

from. So I really love that. That was great. And I thought, too, and

just knowing whys a little bit. Your opening question was, you

know, who are you? And wise was like, I'm just a guy that likes

podcasting. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Kind of started, you know, with a little bit of

like, well, I'm not sure where this is going. Yeah. And then you were able

to, you know, get him talking and telling his story. But there was

kind of like that initial, like, well, I'm just the guy. I like podcasts. And

I like that question. That question gets everybody because it's like.

Because they're like, who am I? They like, they either say, I'm a

coach, or they'll say something like, well, I'm a person who is

deep in introspective, and you know what I'm saying? So it just depends on who

you get. And that's why I start that way, because I let them take me

down the rabbit hole. So I let them start with that, and when they touch

on something, I can, because I'm very curious. So when I hear something, I'm like,

oh, that I want to touch that. You know, that's how I operate.

And that's what I was. Just a testament to the host of the show is,

you know, this is what you started with, and you were able to go. And

we went a little bit long, too. I think we went 13, 14 minutes.

Oh, I feel bad about that. I'm sorry. You're fine. There's no penalty for

going long. I. I try to make sure I time the end right,

and it went really well. So after going through this experience,

any expectations of what you think the. The scores may come in

as? I have no expectations. I really don't. But

I am open to feedback. I love feedback because that's going to make me

better. So whatever we get, whatever we get, I don't get

upset. Let's pull up the menthe screen. And one last

time, everybody cast your votes before we lock it in.

This has been the straight talk. No sugar at it. And I would

say that lived up to the title for sure. Wise's interview

tonight. That was straight talk, no sugar Added.

We could pull up the presentation. Slide, please to the note to

the producer. There we go.

We're going to reveal the scores to

Nina. Here we

go. The scores are coming in. Drum roll. Look at

this. 9.2 overall. And what's nice about the

scoring is you can kind of see a plot of all the scores that came

in. In the background you'll see like the blue for audio

quality probably range from seven to nines, which I, I

didn't have any problem with audio quality. But we are live streaming, so

sometimes streamyard can have, you know, different bandwidth. You

know, your house may be streaming differently, so. But still it looks like

8.9 overall, which is really strong. Anything

near 9 is great on this show. I'll be honest with you. The host

engaging 9.4. So that's a testament. Again, awesome.

Nina getting wise that, you know, talk and tell a story and

really be authentic the quality of the content, you know,

again, I was, I was in the whole time.

9.4. So good. 9.5. The. With the title

Straight Talk, no Sugar Added, you delivered on that title

because we joke around that sometimes people may have a.

A title like Straight Talk, no Sugar Added, but they spend 30 minutes

talking about their grocery order or waiting in Starbucks. We're not

interested in that. We want to get to the story and production

quality. 8.9 Again, usually the first and the last one, we say

that's a product of live streaming. We're not using

million dollar professional equipment. We're doing the best we can. And usually those

are, those are the two lowest scores. But Nina, overall,

9.3, it looks like it went up 1 unless my eyes

are bad. 9.3 overall. After seeing the scores, how do you

feel about that, Nina? Oh, man, that makes me feel really good

because, you know, as a podcaster and somebody who's been doing this for so many

years, you always want to make sure you're on the right track and you always

want to make sure that you are engaging your people, you know, so

that makes me feel good. It makes me feel like, okay, I can keep producing

the content and having quality people on the show.

And I really appreciate everybody who took the time to vote too, because, you know,

they don't have to do that. So thank you guys so much for that. I

really appreciate it. That's awesome. Very good. Why is anything you see in the

scores you'd like to add? Oh, no, she

deserves everything, man. She was, she was a great host. It was some great

Questions. Like I said, I'm excited for us to continue to the

conversation because that was short, so we definitely gotta

make something happen. So, yeah, it was, it was amazing. I'm sure there'll be a

part 2 and 3, and we'll link that up in the show notes and in

the show notes too. All the Wise's contact information is always

there when he's here for the co hosting, so you'll be able to click his

links as well. Nina's will all be in there too.

Let's go to the fun part. This is the part where we, we

really puts a smile on the face. This is a stream of conscious word

cloud that the people watching at home and myself, I'm judging, I'm,

I'm typing in things as I see them and, and feel them and hear

them. I just want to get a feel for, you know, what is the

experience like when you listen to straight talk, no sugar added.

Let's go to that word cloud and let's see,

40 total responses came in. And the more times

things were used, the larger they appear. So right off the bat,

emotional. Why is the story and Nina allowing that to

develop? Interesting, right? Very interesting story. Those were used a

couple times on this word cloud in touching, relatable

anxiety. Those were words that popped up during

this interview, too. And a pandemic podcaster, though I think Wise used

that. He's like, I'm a pandemic podcaster. We have no

fear. Love, funny, inspirational, angry at

God, struggles, deep, you know, authentic,

you know, how do you feel that? Did the audience capture kind of what happened

on the stage tonight? I think they did. I really

think they did. I mean, it's really great. I, I, first of all, can I

just pause? I love this freaking show, let me tell you.

Okay, like, this is so fun, Jeff.

I mean, I don't know what's, what's going on here right now, but I'm like,

I want to listen to every episode. I love this. I love that you guys

are pouring into people like me, pouring into other podcasters and

like actually allowing the audience to tell you what they

feel. Because this is so, you can't like, buy this stuff. This

is so, like, amazing, right? Because it's, nobody's

has to do this. And for them to tell you, okay, emotional, interesting,

a little bit of anxiety, relatable, touching, like, thank you.

That feedback is gold for a podcaster. Thank you.

And we, honestly, this is, we've relaunched this, this is the third

iteration of the show, and we've gone to this one format,

one podcaster for show. And the feedback we've gotten from

podcasters is exactly. What you just said is

so good. Where do you, where do you get. You know, it's part. It's kind

of like a game show. Everything I do is kind of fun and, you know,

whimsical and we want to have that element. We want this to be a light

hearted, fun experience where, you know, with love, we are

giving honest feedback and with the only the. And Wise, I think,

quoted me during the interview, you know, that. Not that I came up with a

rising tide lifts all ships, but I say that all the time. Like the goal

of this show is to bring people. How do we get everybody to the next

level? And it's so great. I'm so grateful to hear you say and

describe the show like that. I truly appreciate it. Yeah. And we give you back

all this at the end too. You're going to get a copy of the recording

if you like. We're going to give you these

slides for you to use. And the last week's guest

was going to print them and put them in her office. So we were pretty

excited to hear that. Can I actually stream it

on my podcast? Absolutely. I'll give you the full. Get the full

recording. Okay, perfect. So

this is it. This is the entire show, Nina. You've gone through the whole process.

You did 10 minutes live. You got scoring from the audience

and the judges, myself and a little bit from Wise. He didn't score too much

this time because he was actually the guest tonight. And you got to see the

word cloud, which you. The one thing I wasn't going to mention on the.

You can tell the true fans, the true fans have learned that you can actually

type in emojis now. So you. When the more emojis you

see, that's the more of the regular. So, you know, every week we keep getting

a little bit more. A little more emojis in the workload, which I love to

see the flames. You always. I was gonna say

the biggest one is fire. So it was fire, you know.

Well, one last time, let's go around. Nina, please let everybody

know how can they connect with you or. Or be a guest on your show?

And I know you got a little bit of a backlog, but how can people

connect with you and, and move forward with, you know, just meeting you

or being a guest on your show? Yeah, you can find me anywhere

on Straight Talk, no sugar added. I mean, literally, I'm omnipresent.

You can find me anywhere. You can also find me under Nina Perez, which is

N E E N A Perez. So if anybody ever

wants to talk to me about being on the show, I do a pre call

to make sure our messages align. And yeah, we go from

there. So please reach out. I'd love that. So I gotta do the pre call

too? No, no, you. We already did our pre call. Like,

hello? Why is the first live stream pre call

maybe? Yeah, exactly.

You had the deliverer. You weren't coming back. But like I said, there's going to

definitely be a part two and three to this interview. Yeah,

absolutely. I really enjoyed that. And we have a lot to talk about, so.

Yeah. Oh yes, we do. And Wise, your plugs promote talk

about anything. You like it. The floor is yours.

Check out Stuck in My Mind podcast every Monday, Tuesday,

Wednesday on Stuck in my mind podcast,

YouTube channel, 5pm Eastern Standard Time. As

Jeff says, America time. That's

true. And

check us, check me out every Tuesday here on Rise and I'll shine.

So, yep, Rise and Outshine. I'm Jeff. I'm one of the three

hosts. Wise and Maria. Join me. We rotate in and out. We

are doing this for a full year so that we can get to a main

event in September. Stay tuned because we are at the Paduti Podcast

theater. P O d u t dates and deets upcoming

events. And every Tuesday night we're already booked all the way through the end

of the year. So rise and to listen to the

podcast episodes, for dates and deets for

upcoming episodes. And I'm Jeff. This has been Rise and

Outshine. Let's play that theme song. We're

asking the experts. We're all on a mission to rise in

the rankings and outshine the competition.

Welcome to Rise and Outshine.


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